Artist and machine or machine and artist?
Talks and presentations
27.10.2018 | 17:00 | free entrance
Hevre +1 | Meiselsa 18
How does the development of artificial intelligence methods influence art and creativity, now and in the future?
A series of lectures and discussion on the growing agility of machines caused by the development in the field of artificial intelligence.
Host: Wiesław Bartkowski
Wiesław Bartkowski | Artificial intelligence?
Piotr Krajewski | Art? Who is the perpetrator?
Prof. Grzegorz Biliński | Is the fascination with artificial intelligence, crossing borders and ordinary human laziness the beginning of our loss?
Dr Anna Olszewska | First of all: a story.
Patrick Tresset | Art and illusions.
During the short talk I will briefly introduce my position on the use of machine learning and other computational technologies in a contemporary art context. (in English)
Paweł Janicki | Retreats for regression time v. 1.1.
Dr Jan K. Argasiński | “Life’s Lovely Gnarl”. Creativity and computation.
mgr Filip Ostojski | Artist and new technologies. Can a computer be an artist? Programming environments as tools for building artistic expression.
Jakub Kożniewski | Beholder – beauty in machine’s eye.
Beside Patrick Tresset, all speeches will be provided in Polish.