Digital meditation
Quantum Space by Kuflex
In December we invite for the digital meditation – thanx to the interactive installation by Russian artists Kuflex Pawilon Wyspiańskiego shines with colors and magic generative universum cretaed in realtime – opening on 13 Dec at 6 pm! Patchlab Festival invites together with Krakowskie Biuro Festiwalowe
Quantum Space is an interactive multi-screen video installation by artsts from Russia. The panoramic projections immerse the viewers into the space of particles or quantums of light. The software program, one the basic parts of the installation, generates all images by using characteristics of elementary particle simulations, like gravity, magnetism, and viscosity. Each time the viewer moves, an impulse occurs to create different images, which never repeat. Every single viewer?s movement in the space of the installation creates a fluctuation in the system. New particles are created, evolved in space in correspondence with the parameters of the system that also influence the global state of the system. It has been crucial for us to fascinate and to captivate the viewer by our project. And we hope, that we have found the key. The viewer is not just a simple viewer, but he/she also takes part in a kind of a game. While playing, one feels like they can overcome the physical mortality of the human body. The viewer is no more a human, but a shape of quantums as well as both the guide and the resident of the world, which is settled through the looking-glass of this special digital universe.
Installation is exposed in frame of Widok Publiczny 2016 project.
Technology partner: NEC