
Artist and machine or machine and artist?

On Saturday 27.10.2018 at 17:00 in Hevre +1 we hosted a series of lectures and discussion on the growing agility of machines caused by the development in the field of artificial intelligence. Wiesław Bartkowski, chef of Creative coding studies at School of Form in Warsaw was a moderator. The following guests were presented:

Piotr Krajewski | Art? Who is the perpetrator?

Prof. Grzegorz Biliński | Is the fascination with artificial intelligence, crossing borders and ordinary human laziness the beginning of our loss?

Dr Anna Olszewska | First of all: a story.

Patrick Tresset | Art and illusions.
During the short talk I will briefly introduce my position on the use of machine learning and other computational technologies in a contemporary art context. (in English)

Paweł Janicki | Retreats for regression time v. 1.1.

Dr Jan K. Argasiński | “Life’s Lovely Gnarl”. Creativity and computation.

mgr Filip Ostojski | Artist and new technologies. Can a computer be an artist? Programming environments as tools for building artistic expression.

Jakub Kożniewski | Beholder – beauty in machine’s eye.

For those, who couldn’t attend this event, the recording of panel is available here.