Exogenous is a multimedia concert that is visual, sound and poetic. The images were made with the invaluable collaboration of dancer and choreographer Laura Simi Dance Company Silenda. The visual world Exogenous consists of ?images-movement? often monochrome, dusty, nervous and mental, played by Kostik Animal as a musical instrument. Exogenous music grows by accumulation of groundwater and saturated rhythms. During the set, Kostik Animal accompanies the images and sound through poetic interventions written and / or improvised. The visual development set delivers gradually subjective narrative underlying the opposing images of a body that wakes up the memory in tatters, struggling with his psyche. It?s a strange psychic exploration. Exogenous raises an immersive and exciting voltage to the spectator?s imagination.
11.10.2014, 9 pm
Forum Przestrzenie
ul. Konopnickiej 28